Title: Color Predictions
Software: Illustrator
Product: A magazine article
Synopsis: This was a project to use symbols effectively to make an article. Used different layers in Illustrator to create it. Many symbols and applied our knowledge of how to make flowers using the action pallet and roughen and rotate. Also learned more about fonts and spacing.
Steps: First, I made thumbnails and a rough to outline what I will do on the computer. Then I made many different flowers and put them in a lower layer. Then I made a ground layer and put the green ground on it as well as most of the grass. Then I added the two symbols. I did various stems and leaf styles and then put the text on the bottom and top. The bird was a last minute addition.
Commentary: It was pretty fun to work on, but many many flowers to make. It turned out to look really like a forest of flowers, but it was tedious to make different kinds of flowers. I am satisfied at how it looks, though I liked the stems I used before I submitted the final.
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