Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Commodities to Culture Article

Title: Commodities to Culture
Software: Photoshop
Product: Article about Commodities to Culture

Synopsis: To finish this project, I was to take the background out of every photo I used, using various tools to test how well I know Photoshop tools. I had to make thumbnails and a rough before making the final on the computer and space everything evenly. It also tests my typographic knowledge.

Steps: First, I created several thumbnails and selected one I found one I liked the most. Then, I made a rough with spacing labelled, and after that was shown to the teacher, I made it on the computer. I opened the document and put each box in a separate layer. Then, I used pictures I found on the internet and opened them in different documents to crop using various tools such as the quick selection, wand, lasso, and magnetic lasso. Then I dragged them into the main document and made sure each were in the right resolution and cropped to the right size. Each were in a different layer as well. Then I put the type on and used different fonts. I put strokes on the boxes at the end to decorate it more.

Commentary: Quality lowered makes me sad. This project took a bit more time than others, but it was fun, especially looking for pictures and silly arguments about who got the picture first, since we were supposed to get non-copyrighted pictures. I am glad that it turned out very nicely, though it seems some pictures were harder to crop than others.

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