Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Marbled Paper Book and Notepad

Title: Marbled Paper Book and Notepad Picture
Software: none [camera]
Product: Notepad and Marbled Paper book

Synopsis: To make a marbled paper book and notepad by binding them in various ways.

Steps: To make the notepad, I made the design in Illustrator and printed 50 out and cut them using the guillotine chopper. Then i jogged it and put it on the glue holding thing, where it held the paper down as I applied the glue three times in various intervals of 10-15 min. Then I flattened with a box of papers overnight. The Marbled Paper Book was made with two marbled papers I made. It is made from paper dipped in water that had droplets of ink on it. Then, I cut them out and glued it correctly onto two cardboard pieces. I acquired a large amount of papers that were cut out already to the size needed and bound them together using metal screw things.

Commentary:I didn't get all four of my designs because I left the other three at home... Hope you enjoy it.

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